Sunday, September 25, 2005

He pick us

He pick us.

Jesus pick us 2 b christian in this world.

He pick us 2 b used by Him.

Since He is d one who pick us, y still, some of us do not wan 2 accept it????

U know, there r someone in d world who never heard of gospel in their life, so they can't believe.

So, dun decline d invitation sent by Jesus.

Let Him b ur King.

Butterfly in d rain

we r juz like the little butterfly in the pic, facing the dangers in front of us. But He, our God never leave us alone, He will always b wiv us, protect us, & leading us in our journey of life....



Saturday, September 24, 2005


It was a bitterly cold Christmas eve in Korea in 1952. A pregnant young mother, Bak Yoon, hobbled through the snow toward the home of a missionary friend where she knew she could find help. Tears of sorrow froze on her face as she mourned her husband. He had recently been killed in the Korean War, and she had no one else to turn to. A short way down the road from her missionary friend's house was a deep gully spanned by a bridge. As Bak Yoon stumbled forward, birth pains suddenly overcame her. She fell, realizing that she could go no further, and crawled under the end of the bridge. There, alone, under the bridge, her baby boy was born. Bak Yoon had nothing with her except her heavy, padded clothes. One by one she removed all pieces of her clothing and wrapped them around her tiny son, still connected to her body by his umbilical cord. Then feeling exhausted she lay back in the snow beside her baby.

The next morning Miss Watson, long-time missionary, drove across the bridge in her car to take a Christmas basket of food to a needy Korean family. On her way back, as she got near the bridge, the car sputtered and died - out of gasoline. She got out of the car and started across the bridge. Through crunching snow under her feet she heard another sound - a baby's faint cry. She stopped, unbelieving, and heard the cry again. "It's coming from beneath this bridge!" She crawled under the bridge to investigate and there she found a tiny, bundled baby, warm but hungry, and young Bak Yoon frozen in death. With a knife from her toolbox she cut the cord and took the baby home with her. After caring first for the child, she, along with some helpers, brought Bak Yoon's body back to near where she lived and buried her there. She named the baby Soo Park, and adopted him. He was strong and healthy and so grew up among many other orphan children that Miss Watson cared for. But to her, Soo Park was special. She often told him, "Your mother had great love for you, Soo Park," and about how she had proved that love. He never tired of hearing of his beautiful mother.

On Christmas day, his 12th birthday, snow was falling. After the children had helped Soo Park celebrate his birthday, he came and sat beside Miss Watson. "Mother Watson, do you think God made your car run out of gasoline the day you found me?" he asked. "Perhaps He did," she answered. "If that car hadn't stopped, I would not have found you. But I am so glad it stopped. I love you and am very proud of you, Soo Park." She put her arms around him. He rested his head against her. "Mother Watson, will you please take me out to my mother's grave? I want to pray there. I want to thank her for my life." "Yes, but put on your heavy coat. It's very cold." Beside the grave, Soo Park asked Mother Watson to wait at a little distance. She walked aside and waited. As the astonished missionary watched, the boy began to take off his warm clothing, piece by piece. Surely he won't take off all his clothing! she thought. He'll freeze! But the boy stripped himself of everything, laid it all on his mother's grave, and knelt naked and shivering in the snow. She waited one minute, two minutes. Then she put her gloved hand on his snow covered shoulder. "Come, Soo Park. Your mother in Heaven sees how much you love her. I will help you dress." Then in deep sorrow he cried out to the mother he never knew: "Were you colder than this for me, my mother?" And he wept bitterly because he knew of course, she was.

Jesus stripped himself of his royal garments to come and live among us. Was he that cold for us? Surely we never have to wonder if he loves us, or even how much he loves us. He demonstrated that to us nearly 2000 years ago. Celebrate in his love.

Jesus's love can change ur life if u r willing 2 accept it. He loves us, He sacrifice himself on d cross 2 get rid of our sins. Let Him b d one who has d right 2 lead ur life!!!


也Ðí,你会想,我能看见。但你真的能看见吗? 你的眼看得见,你的心看得见吗? 你看见世上无知的人们正走向灭亡吗? 或者,你看见上帝为你,为我所作的一切吗?世上的一切事物都提醒我们,要时时向我们的上帝感恩。 你有看见上帝的恩典了吗?

God won't ask

God won't ask what kind of car you drove, but He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
God won't ask the square footage of your house, but He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, but He'll ask how many you helped clothe.
God won't ask what your highest salary was, but He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won't ask what your job title was, but He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won't ask how many friends you had, but He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
God won't ask about the color of your skin, but He'll ask about the content of your character.
God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation, but He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.
God won't ask how many people you forwarded this to, but He'll ask if you were ashamed to pass it on to your friends.
..... I know I wasn't.
Take Care and God Bless

God's Love

There once lived a young man named John.
John, was just like any other ordinary man who had a family,consisting of him, his wife, Jenna, and his son David.
John had only 1 job n his job was to watch out for the train n when it is time, he must operate the controler to allow the door bridge down for the train to travel from one end to the other end of the town.
He did this to support his family while his wife collects rubbish for recycle.
They were still enjoying their life and had many happy moments together although they had a simple life.
However, not before long, his wife was infected with an unknown disease n she past away soon after living only john n david behind.
John was so sad that he cried himself to bed every night.
A year past by and john was still haunted by the death of his beloved wife.
One day, as usual, john had to continue with his job and david too was there with him.
John told David not to run around as he had to stand by watching for the train.
He was in deep thoughts flashing back the good old memories they once had.
Soon, John was alarmed by the presence of the train and at that moment he realised that david wasnt there.
He looked down from the control tower that was far from the bridge n saw David playing at the spot where the door bridge was meant to be.
John, quickly shouted at David to come back as the train was reaching n he had to let down the bridge.
For some reason,David was too happy playing alone n he didnt hear his father shouting desperately for him.
John got so nervous that he shouted with all his might n still,david didnt hear him.
John knew his duty that he must let down the bridge or many more will die as the train could not stop in such urgency!
He screamed n screamed to David n at the same time the train was getting closer, it was too noisy for him to hear.
The passenger of the train was getting nervous not been able to see the door bridge n John was given signal to let down the bridge.
Everybody on board the train was shouting,'John, John, let the bridge down!"
John, with tears rolling down his cheeks,he knew that he had to press the controller sacrificing his ONE and ONLy son.
3seconds.....2.......1.......he cried and closed his eyes which he couldnt bare to see, he activated the bridge and it was let down,sacrificing David.
The passenger just thanked john like any other day when he let down the bridge..
Guys n girls, the Lord was so loving that he sacrifice his 1 n only son to us as human eventhough we do not deserve it.
We are like the passengers, asking only the needs that are meant for ourselves n for our own sake.
But god, that is so merciful and loving, had to sacrifice his Son,Jesus Christ to wash away our sins.
Jesus Christ was beaten and bruised till no one, even his own mother could ever recognise.
He was then crucified on the cross for our sins.
N every drop of his blood, that droped from his body was used to wash away our guilty stains n great is the Lord..



我和第二個女朋友在廁所接吻,被她撞見,她尷尬的笑笑說:「Go ~ >on!」然後跑掉。
第二天,她眼睛腫得像核桃一樣,我故意不去猜想是誰讓她哭成這樣,嘲笑了她一天,她在所有人都回家後,在教室哭了起來, 她不知道練球回來拿東西的我,看了她一個多小時。
第二天, 她依舊嘻嘻哈哈的和我開玩笑,我知道她很難過,但她不會知道我的心不比她好受。
我知道「他」是誰, 他追她也有一陣子了,是個蠻可愛的男孩子,活潑有趣,充滿了熱情,追她追得滿城風雨。

> 葉子
但是,在他交第一個女朋友時, 我學會了一種不該有的感覺,吃醋,心中的酸,不是一顆檸檬可以比喻,那就像是100顆臭酸的檸檬,酸到不行。
喜歡一個人,好難過, 我可以清楚的知道他的喜好,他的習慣,唯獨他對我的感覺,我猜不透,難道要我這個女孩子去開口嗎?
這樣的煎熬, 這樣的痛苦,這樣的幸福,這樣的矛盾,陪了我三年。

這是一篇很特別的文章,它有感動您嗎? >



Saturday, September 10, 2005

d start of my journey...

actually, i get to know this when i saw others' blogger...moreover, i was very interested in creating my own, this should b a start for me....